Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back in the land of the living

Man, when I start making up for weeks of work craziness/travel/hardly seeing anyone ever, I guess I don't mess around. Aside from sleeping, I don't think I've been in my house for more than an hour at time since Thursday. A quick multimedia recap:

After taking Thursday afternoon to recharge (and even then I did a couple of laps around Greenlake, overdosed on coffee and stayed up way too late getting sucked into the first season of Alias) I got up bright and early Friday morning and ran to Matthews Beach. The weather was way too gorgeous for its own good, so I decided to ditch my errand running plans and just spent most of the day outside. From there, it was off to Third Place Books for a Write Club meeting, (where I FINALLY got to catch up with my writing buddies, and actually may have gotten a usable text chunk or two from the writing exercises we did), and then over to Peso's in Queen Anne for vanilla screwdrivers and lively conversation with newer buddies.

Of course, I still had night shift in my system at that point, and was up until nearly 2, in spite of the fact that I needed to be up bright and early Saturday morning to clean my apartment, grab coffee at Zoka with some friends from Ravelry go back to my apartment and pack a lunch in time to be picked up for a Beer Meetup at Skookum Brewery in Arlington. This was definitely worth the travel time (which honestly wasn't as long as I'd anticipated), in terms of both the beer and the company.

I was a little sad the brewery was open for so short a time that day, though it did put me back in Seattle with time enough to change and grab a snack before catching a showing of Wall-E (whcih was pretty clever, by the way. Granted, I'm mostly just a little kid in a big kid's body, but I enjoyed it) with a friend and then jetting back across town to catch up with other friends/former neighbors for a late dinner.

Today started out with coffee and donuts at Bauhaus, followed by a quick jog down the hill to Westlake center, where I met up with the old neighbors and co. for the Pride Parade. It was TOASTY out, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and I was able to get a fun picture or two (with the full effect on display at Flickr).

The parade started to wrap up just in time for me to make it to a Coffee Meetup at Revolutions in Greenlake, which ended up being pretty relaxing in spite of the average caffeine intake.

Got to squeeze in half a Greenlake walk (because, really, to not do a lap around Greenlake proper when you're in that general area on a gorgeous day would just be sad and wrong) before a movie (today's feature was Wanted. Hoo boy! What a rush!)/popcorn-for-dinner night with one of the ex-neigbors and her girlfriend. And...exhale.

I don't know whether to be excited or scared about the fact that I still have three more days in my chunk of time off. I wish I could take some comfort in the fact that I don't have any major plans for those days, yet, but then I didn't have very many solid plans when I was heading into the first three. Oh well. A month's worth of social life condensed into seven days is better than no social life at all, right? Only one way to find out...

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