Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day Three

"Hurricane" Ike

Much of my last few days was spent on odd jobs: disassembling patio furniture, securing potted plants, making sure there was enough food in the house, practically raiding Barnes and Noble for sufficient reading material. All for Hurricane Ike, the worst of which was supposed to hit San Antonio today.

This is what we got instead. See that little patch of rain to the right? Yeah. That never actually made it to our house. The most we got was the occasional burst of wind and an increase in already unbearable mugginess. If it hadn't ended in such a cool sunset, I'd be much more bitter about the whole ordeal. Man, did I miss how huge and colorful Texas skies could get. Still, all the furniture. I moved ALL the furniture...

1 comment:

Justin Kimble said...

Ike hit Ohio while we were on vacation... We lost a ton of shingles and had a yard full of sticks, but people all over the area lost 40 foot trees. One couple was actually killed when a tree fell on them in the park. Talk about bad timing! We got no rain, apparently. Just a massive windstorm with 60-70 mph gusts.

I find this incredibly weird, especially in light of the fact that you got a raincloud and a pretty sunset. Strange, no?
